About FP Imaging
FP Imaging was created by Isaac Flaum to provide quick and affordable scanning electron microscopy services for everyone - whether you are a researcher, artist, company or individual. Have something you want imaged? Tell us what kind of imaging and analysis are you looking for and we will make it work. Send it to our P.O. box and receive your images/analysis within two business days of receipt - it’s that easy!
FP Imaging started with an interest in thermal imaging and then moved into electron microscopy. FP Imaging will always be about illuminating the world around us.
Imaging and analysis is performed with a Phenom ProX SEM.
Experience crisp and high-contrast elemental information from the Cerium Hexaboride source.
Our EDS detector provides elemental information from Boron to Americium. With options for both point and color map analysis the options are endless.
The 4-Panel TOPO detector provides strictly topographical information about the sample. Perfect for studying surface morphology.
Our lab is equipped with a world-class sputter coater to ensure you get a detailed image of your sample, whether it is conductive or not. Furthermore our microscope can operate in high-vacuum mode to image organic materials.
With sample magnification of 160x all the way to 105,000x we will image what you need to see no matter how small. At full zoom the entire viewing area is 2.2 microns wide.
From hair widths to trace lengths on a circuit board we can measure what you need.
Our 4-Panel topographic detector will create a detailed 3D surface map of your sample. Need to know the average roughness of a sample or particular paths along the sample? We’ve got you covered.
Our image stitching feature will create 100+ Megapixel images for a more detailed view of the sample.
Our microscope is capable of imaging from 5kV to 15kV ensuring you get a crisp image regardless of sample conductivity.