FP Imaging
Affordable Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis

Let us take care of your SEM analysis needs. We guarantee results within two business days of sample receipt. FP Imaging is also happy to work with anyone who needs results sooner. Let us know when you need the results and we will work around your schedule! Check out what we have to offer below or head over to our services page for more detail.
Our Services
$200 - Includes 10 images of sample. All sample prepwork is included in the price.
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High Resolution Imaging
$400 - Includes everything in the Imaging package as well as an ultra high-resolution (50MP or greater) image.
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Imaging + Analysis
$500 - Includes everything in the Imaging package plus EDS Analysis or 3D Roughness Analysis.
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More about our services
We don’t only offer imaging, we are also here to serve your analysis needs. Need elemental information from your sample? Our EDS detector has you covered - tell us where and we will tell you the elemental composition of each spot.